This is What I Learned at Disney

New DayBlog

Two weeks removed from our trip to Disney I am still thinking about the experience. Not just because it is an amazing place and because I realized that vacation can be a good thing, but because the Father ministered to me in a profound way.

As we worked our way around the parks I was taken back by the excitement and awe that I saw in our girls. Every time my mind went to this thought God would speak and tell me this is the type of excitement He wants me to have for life – that no matter how wonderful the place was, or how full of wonder it was, his kingdom would far exceed this.

I don’t have to tell you that as we grow up (me especially) we always want to be bigger, older and wiser. I can look back on my life and see this all the way through. I think somewhere we lose our childhood and become everyday adults. This is not what the Father wants.  We are never wise enough or old enough to not be amazed by what He can do.  But as we strive for this we become numb to the wonders of heaven and miracles.This is why it becomes so hard to believe for miracles and for healing, for His divine intervention in situations or to believe when someone else tells a story about something they have received for the Father.

We are His little children. Jesus talked so often of the faith of a child. As I watched my girls light up seeing the princesses or watching the characters upon the stage giving a performance about just believing, I was struck by something.  I was brought back to my heavenly Fathers lap. He was telling me to let go and to believe. To really believe and trust him, with all the things he says to trust him on: with every aspect of my life finances, household, family, friendships. He is not going to let me down.

Can I tell you though, the little I have expressed this over the last week, the enemy was right there to cast doubt or to cause strife? The enemy of our souls wants us to be normal adults, not childlike in any way. If we have no child-likeness, we have no faith. God says his kingdom is understandable to the childlike but not to the wise.

At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike.”

Sure scripture also talks of being wise but there must be a humility that comes with it, not a wisdom in our own understanding but a wisdom that comes from being close to Him. Every time I try to be wise in my own mind,  I become a skeptic and I will never believe anything anyone says of miracles, healing or anything of the Kingdom of God.

I have never put much value in make believe, imagination or creativity.  But after this trip to Disney, I am being moved by the Father to value these things more: To let go of my pride, to look at my girls more –  their amazement with the world around them – with things of mystery and faith. They don’t understand the things of this world. They don’t worry about money, or security, or what they will wear or whether or not I will take care of their wounds. They trust fully and with an abandonment that is so hard to grab a hold of as an adult.

But this is what I leaned in Disney:  My Daddy in heaven wants me to believe, trust and love Him with abandon – looking forward to the things of heaven, which by  the way, will be so much more magical than Disney.


Ryan and Katie Hartwig

Ryan Hartwig – Ryan is very active at New Day and is married to Katie, our Children’s Ministry Coordinator. They have two young daughters.